The Lihu‘e Hongwanji PreSchool
3-3560 B Kuhio Highway
Lihu‘e, HI 96766
Ph. (808) 245-7857
[email protected]
- Hours of Operation: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Closed on State, County and Department of Education Holidays
- Hot Lunch Included (from the Kaua‘i Economic Opportunity)
- Snacks in the Morning and Afternoon
Tuition for the school year includes lunch and snacks.
Sandie Fujimoto, Director and Teacher
Michelle Lemi
Lady Jane Ramos
Doris Viloria
We’re very excited and happy to welcome everyone to be a part of our Lihue Hongwanji Ohana. We currently have 48 three- , four- , and soon to be five-year old children enrolled.
Sandie Fujimoto, Director