``Hard it is to be born into human life; now we are living in it. Difficult it is to hear the Teachings of the Blessed One; now we hear them.``
Church Services/Events
“We have many events throughout the year at Lihue Hongwanji Mission. Check our calendar for upcoming events.
“Whichever pathways you choose, we hope you will join our extended Sangha and realize the joy of experiencing Buddha’s all-embracing wisdom and compassion.”
Lihu’e Hongwanji Mission is located at 3-3556 Kuhio Hwy, Lihue, Kaua’i, Hawai’i.
First-time visitors to Jodo Shinshu temples are often surprised at how similar in form the services are to what they may be familiar with from other traditions. Attendees wear shoes into the temple, sits in pews or chairs, sing hymns (gathas), listen to a sermon (or dharma talk), and the congregation (sangha) shares fellowship over coffee and refreshments after the service.
We start our service with the offering of incense. This is an opportunity to connect with the Buddha and express gratitude for this precious gift of life. The fragrance purifies our minds and prepares one to listen to the Dharma. We bow in Gassho putting the hands together to signify the oneness of Buddha and all beings. It is customary to use a nenju (beads), around your hands at this offering.

Visitors are always welcome at Lihue Hongwanji. Sunday services begin at 9:00 am. Please check the calendar on this website for any variations to the schedule. We also have refreshments and a “talk story” time after each service in our social hall. Join us on Sundays!
As of Monday August 26, the Columbarium at Lihue Hongwanji will be closed 24/7. It is necessary due to the sensitive and irreplaceable nature of the items in the Columbarium.
To access the Columbarium, please check with Rev. Yagi in the officeor call (808) 245-6262.
Thank you for your understanding.
Please keep the Nembutsu close to heart and mind as nothing can affect the wisdom and compassion of Amida or the working of his vow.
Namo Amida Butsu